Version 4.1 by Thomas Mortagne on 2020/01/20

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Vincent Massol 1.1 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
5 This is the release notes for [[XWiki Commons>>]], [[XWiki Rendering>>]] and [[XWiki Platform>>]]. They share the same release notes as they are released together and have the same version.
7 <insert description of release here>
9 = New and Noteworthy (since XWiki <version - 1>) =
11 [[Full list of issues fixed and Dashboard for <full version here even for RC, e.g. 10.5>>><fill id here>]].
13 {{releasenotechanges/}}
15 === Moved Modules ===
17 <description deprecated, retired and moved projects>
19 === Upgrades ===
21 The following runtime dependencies have been upgraded (they have a different release cycle than [[XWiki Commons>>]], [[XWiki Rendering>>]] and [[XWiki Platform>>]]):
Vincent Massol 2.1 23 * [[CSS4J 2.0.0>>]]
Simon Urli 3.1 24 * [[Jodconverter 4.2.3>>]]
Vincent Massol 1.1 25
26 = Translations =
28 The following translations have been updated:
30 {{language codes="none, none"/}}
32 {{comment}}
33 TODO: uncomment and update with proper link when the report is ready.
35 = Tested Browsers & Databases =
37 {{include reference="TestReports.<test report page>"/}}
38 {{/comment}}
40 {{comment}}
41 TODO: uncomment and update with proper links when the report is ready.
43 = Performances tests compared to <last super stable version> =
45 {{display reference="test:Performances.Jetty HSQLDB single wiki xxx to yyy" section="HSummary"/}}
47 More details on [[performance comparison on single wiki between x.x and y.y>>test:Performances.Jetty HSQLDB single wiki xxx to yyy]].
48 {{/comment}}
50 = Known issues =
52 * [[Bugs we know about>>]]
54 = Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes =
56 == General Notes ==
58 * When upgrading make sure you compare and merge the following XWiki configuration files since some parameters may have been modified, removed or added:
59 ** ##xwiki.cfg##
60 **
61 ** ##web.xml##
62 ** ##hibernate.cfg.xml##
63 * Add in ##xwiki.cfg## so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to any new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
Thomas Mortagne 4.1 65 == Issues specific to XWiki 12.0RC1 ==
Vincent Massol 1.1 66
Thomas Mortagne 4.1 67 === Velocity 2.2 upgrade ===
Vincent Massol 1.1 68
Thomas Mortagne 4.1 69 After more than 9 years Velocity is getting an update. While this bring some nice new things it also comes with unavoidable behavior changes that might be a breackage for your scripts or break some extensions:
71 * The Velocity Java API changed quite a lot, if you use advanced features directly in Java there is a big chance that you need to update your code. You can find more details on
72 * Most names of Velocity configuration properties have changed ; old names are still functional but will emit a deprecation warning in the log. See the [[Configuration Changes in Velocity 2.1>>]] page.
73 * We tried to reduce as much as possible the breaking changes in the language using some retro compatibility flags provided by Velocity and some hacks on XWiki side but there is still things for which you might want to be carefull:
74 ** Deprecations: A lot of APIs are now deprecated, they should work fine but will produce a warning in the log (unless you disabled that using the new property ##logging.deprecated.enabled## in
75 *** $listtool was already deprecatedd since Velocity 1.6 which added support for allows all List methods to be called on arrays
76 *** $sorttool replaced by $collectiontool
77 *** $velocityCount and $velocityHasNext where already deprecated in Velocity 1.7 without producing any deprecation warning, they now do
78 ** Breackages:
79 *** No more macro semi-local context: in Velocity 1.7 variable set inside a macro and set both in the global context and in a special local context. In Velocity 2.x this local context does not exist anymore. In pratice in means that if in your macro you #set a variable and execute another Velocity template which set the same variable your macro will be affected while it used to be "protected" by the previous explicit #set
80 ** Known bugs:
81 *** Macro parameters names mess with expression passed to the macro: see Should be fixed in 12.0 final.
Vincent Massol 1.1 83 == API Breakages ==
85 The following APIs were modified since <project> <version - 1>:
87 {{comment}}
88 Remove!
89 {{backwardCompatiblityReport version="<version>"/}}
90 {{/comment}}
92 = Credits =
94 The following people have contributed code and translations to this release (sorted alphabetically):
96 <code contributors>

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