Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

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Vincent Massol 1.1 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
Denis Gervalle 14.1 5 {{warning}}
Thomas Mortagne 29.1 6 If you are migrating from an earlier version than 4.0, and your database contains statistics collected using a version earlier than 2.2, you will probably encounter an issue during our automated database migration. To avoid that issue, you will need to clean up your statistics by executing some SQL commands described in issue [[XWIKI-8129>>]]. Be sure to apply these before attempting the migration. If your are in doubt, apply it, these could not hurt. If you don't, you will face duplicate IDs errors during the migration process, and it will fail, preventing you to run your wiki.
Denis Gervalle 14.1 7 {{/warning}}
Sorin Burjan 23.1 8
Sorin Burjan 22.1 9 {{warning}}
Thomas Mortagne 29.1 10 If you are upgrading to this version from an older version which uses Lucene 3.x, you have to manually delete the lucene directory in the xwiki data directory. For example, that could cause Lucene to loop endlessly while trying to index pages, among other things. This is caused by the Lucene migration to 4.0 (see [[XWIKI-8404>>]]).
Sorin Burjan 22.1 11 {{/warning}}
Denis Gervalle 14.1 12
Vincent Massol 1.1 13 This is the release notes for XWiki Platform, XWiki Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager. They share the same release notes as they are released together and have the same version.
Vincent Massol 10.1 15 This is a stabilization release and as such it mostly contains bug fixes.
Vincent Massol 1.1 16
Vincent Massol 20.1 17 = New and Noteworthy (since XWiki 4.3.1) =
Vincent Massol 1.1 18
Thomas Mortagne 29.1 19 [[Full list of issues fixed and Dashboard for 4.4>>]].
Vincent Massol 28.1 20
Vincent Massol 10.1 21 Full list of issues fixed:
Vincent Massol 1.1 22
Thomas Mortagne 29.1 23 {{jira style="list" url="" fields="type, status, key, summary" source="jql"}}
Vincent Massol 16.3 24 Project in ("XWiki Commons", "XWiki Rendering", "XWiki Platform", "XWiki Enterprise", "XWiki Enterprise Manager") and fixVersion in ("4.4-rc-1") and resolution in ("Fixed") and component not in ("Build, Infrastructure and Tests")
Vincent Massol 10.1 25 {{/jira}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 26
27 = For Developers =
29 == Upgrades ==
31 The following dependencies have been upgraded:
Thomas Mortagne 29.1 33 * [[Pegdown 1.2.0>>]]
34 * [[logback 1.0.9>>]]
35 * [[lucene 4.0.0>>]]
36 * [[Solr 4.0.0>>]]
37 * [[Apache commons-net 3.2>>]]
Vincent Massol 16.1 38 * [[JGroups 3.2.5>>]]
Vincent Massol 1.1 39
40 == Miscellaneous ==
Vincent Massol 3.1 42 * We've [[replaced the Rendering Standalone JAR with a Rendering Standalone ZIP>>rendering:Main.GettingStarted||anchor="HUsingtheXWikiRenderingStandaloneZIP"]].
Vincent Massol 5.1 43 * Started experimenting with [[Mockito>>]].
Vincent Massol 8.1 44 * [[New unit and integration testing best practices>>dev:Community.Testing]].
Vincent Massol 1.1 45
46 = Translations =
48 The following translations have been updated:
Vincent Massol 17.1 50 {{language codes="it,ca,cs,da,de,es,fr,gl,hi,hr,it,ko,lv,nl,no,pl,pt_BR,ro,ru,sk,sv,uk,vi,zh,zh_TW"/}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 51
Vincent Massol 11.1 52 = Tested Browsers & Databases =
Vincent Massol 1.1 53
54 Here's the list of browsers tested with this version (i.e. browsers that we've tested as working - Check the list of [[supported browsers>>dev:Community.BrowserSupportStrategy]]):
56 {{velocity}}
57 ## name = iexplorer, firefox, chrome, safari, opera
58 {{/velocity}}
Vincent Massol 18.1 60 {{browser name="firefox" version="17.0.1"/}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 61
Vincent Massol 11.1 62 Here's the list of databases tested with this version (i.e. databases that we've tested as working - Check the list of [[supported databases>>dev:Community.DatabaseSupportStrategy]]):
64 {{velocity}}
65 ## name = hsqldb, mysql, postgresql, oracle, opera
66 {{/velocity}}
68 {{database name="hsqldb" version="2.2.9"/}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 70 = Known issues =
Thomas Mortagne 29.1 72 * Regression: [[Image attachments are not scaled any more when the image dimensions are specified on the download request>>]]
73 * [[Bugs we know about>>]]
Vincent Massol 1.1 74
75 = Test Report =
Vincent Massol 12.1 77 No manual test were done for this version (see [[other past test reports>>TestReports.WebHome]] if you're curious).
Vincent Massol 1.1 78
79 = Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes =
81 == General Notes ==
Denis Gervalle 21.1 83 {{warning}}
86 {{/warning}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 88 You may also want to [[import the default wiki XAR>>Main.Download]] in order to benefit from all the improvements listed above.
90 {{warning}}
91 Always make sure you compare your ##xwiki.cfg## and files with the newest version since some configuration parameters were added. Note that you should add so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
92 {{/warning}}
Denis Gervalle 21.1 94 {{warning}}
Thomas Mortagne 29.1 95 If you are migrating from an earlier version than 4.0, and your database contains statistics collected using a version earlier than 2.2, you will probably encounter an issue during our automated database migration. To avoid that issue, you will need to clean up your statistics by executing some SQL commands described in issue [[XWIKI-8129>>]]. Be sure to apply these before attempting the migration. If your are in doubt, apply it, these could not hurt. If you don't, you will face duplicate IDs errors during the migration process, and it will fail, preventing you to run your wiki.
Denis Gervalle 21.1 96 {{/warning}}
98 {{warning}}
99 If you have encountered an issue with the migration, you may need to start over from a backup. Be careful that during the migration, two new tables have been created (in each xwiki database for a farm) and should be dropped when you restore a backup of a database coming from a version earlier than 4.x. These two tables are DATABASECHANGELOG and DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK. These should only be removed if you restore a pre-4.x database schema. Mixing an old database with these two tables will surely cause issue during schema updates (liquibase checksum failure).
100 {{/warning}}
Vincent Massol 16.2 102 == Issues specific to XWiki 4.4 RC 1 ==
Vincent Massol 1.1 103
Sergiu Dumitriu 15.1 104 * The Toucan skin has been removed from the platform and from the distribution packages. You can find the sources in the [[xwiki-contrib repository on github>>]].
Sergiu Dumitriu 4.1 105 * The Lucene index specification has been changed to include a new field ##exactspace## and three other fields have been altered to better support exact matches. It is recommended to rebuild the whole Lucene index.
Vincent Massol 1.1 106
107 == API Breakages ==
Vincent Massol 20.1 109 The following APIs were modified since XWiki 4.3.1:
Vincent Massol 1.1 110
Vincent Massol 19.1 111 * Moved to Lucene 4 + moved non API classes to the ##internal## package:(((
Vincent Massol 1.1 112 {{code language="none"}}
Vincent Massol 19.1 113 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.LucenePlugin: Parameter 1 of 'public void init(com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.IndexUpdater, com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext)' has changed its type to com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.internal.IndexUpdater
114 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.LucenePlugin: Parameter 1 of 'public void init(com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.IndexUpdater, com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.IndexRebuilder, com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext)' has changed its type to com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.internal.IndexUpdater
115 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.LucenePlugin: Parameter 2 of 'public void init(com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.IndexUpdater, com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.IndexRebuilder, com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext)' has changed its type to com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.internal.IndexRebuilder
Vincent Massol 1.1 116 {{/code}}
Vincent Massol 19.1 117 )))

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